Therapy Dog Training

Service dog in front of owner

Therapy Dog Training:

So you want to volunteer your time and believe your dog is a good fit for therapy work? This is definitely the place to start! Therapy dog training involves an extensive training process to ensure your dog meets our high standards to be allowed to be taken into public schools, hospitals, retirement homes, etc.


What do therapy animals / dogs do?

  • Help reduce stress and anxiety of OTHER people including, patients, students, elderly, etc
  • Visit hospitals, nursing homes, hospice, senior apartment complexes, schools, libraries, and group homes as well as other locations.
  • Therapy dogs provide support in situations such as national disasters
  • Therapy dogs assist with counseling for victims of crime, abuse, maltreatment, etc
  • Mental health counselors and psychiatrists have used therapy dogs to supplement traditional sessions.


What qualifies my dog as a therapy dog and what will my dog learn?

Ultimately therapy dogs must be taught to remain calm and poised in different environments. We recommend focusing on one location setting such as hospitals, elderly homes, etc for training so the dog will have a full understanding of that environment and so that we can train and practice there. Each location considered will have different requirements and often have their own test to ensure your dog also meets their specific standards.

Therapy dogs must meet minimum requirements such as, but not limited to:

  1. AKC’s – Canine Good Citizen
  2. AKC’s – Canine Good Citizen Urban
  3. Being calm around patients, elderly, and kids/students
  4. Remaining calm regardless of the environment (screaming kids, patient that may accidentally pull hair, medical technology noises, etc)
  5. Remain calm when being hugged by kids, adults, elderly, etc
  6. Must have good hygiene and properly maintained at all times
  7. Must be up to date on all shots


Cost of Therapy Dog Training / Time Frame / Schedule:

Our therapy dog program is a full extensive program that will begin at the basics (yes, regardless if you and your dog have prior training with other trainers). Our program ensures that you have put in the proper training techniques, and the time, to ensure you meet any and all standards you’ll be requested for where you will be utilizing your therapy dog.



Fill out the form, call, or text right now

(585) 861-8067